Friday, October 18, 2013

Week In Review.

Whoa! It has been a long and emotional week. I will be happy to put a lid on it!

Good news is...Stella is really starting to walk!!!

I got information on Isabel's Kindergarden enrollment this week! The school where she is currently enrolled conducts parent interviews (for Kindergarten level and above as we didn't need an interview for Pre-k)  if we should choose to stay there! I wonder what the interview would be about? What the questions would entail? I am already sweating thinking about it...I kid...I kid. No really we need to make a big decision about what to do about Kindergarten, I really wasn't thinking it was going to be so soon! Yikes! She literally has only been in Pre-K for 8 weeks. Slow down people.

We had a great impromptu play date on the apartment rooftop of a new Mom friend with two daughters! It is great to build a community of moms around me. Especially when times get hard. It is always good to know that you have the support of people who care and love you.

This weekend we are gearing up to celebrate Isabel's birthday. After much deliberation on where to celebrate, either (here, here, or here) we chose here! Her birthday is on Monday, but for practical purposes (Valentino is traveling on her actual birthday) we are going to celebrate on Saturday! The presents are slowing piling up on the dining table! There is nothing more rewarding than watching a four year old gaze and inspect each package...."Mom, can we open one now...?"

Isabel is taking ballet class and before class they all gather around and watch the older ballerinas! So cute!

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