Friday, November 15, 2013

Have a Great Weekend!

"Enjoy the Ride," a motivational print from Kate Moore Creative($20, see also: website)

The hard drive crashed on my 27" IMac on Tuesday and I have been having a hard time getting reacquainted with my 13" laptop. It's funny how quickly we become acclimated to newer, bigger, and faster...I remember after Isabel was born Valentino surprised me with an Apple Iphone (an upgrade from my then flip top Razor...I still get nostalgic for this song). I remember telling him that I didn't need a smartphone and that I was perfectly happy with the flip phone. Well soon after I was singing the praises of a touch screen and didn't look back. Same story with the computers. One day he came home with the 27" computer that was no longer being used at his office and I protested...'What an eye sore', 'Where are we going to put that thing?' No sooner than he set it up...I was cursing the days of staring at my stamp sized laptop. So today at 10am I will wheel my stroller over to Mikey's Hookup (these guys are the best)  and get my hard drive and all. 

Hope you have a great weekend. Valentino is working on a big project for Tuesday and will not be home all weekend. I have a babysitter tomorrow all day (uh...awesome) so I can run errands in the city! We will have the keys to our house next Friday and I am going to go shopping for bedding. We purchased the beds last weekend (taking two children to the mattress store proved interesting to say the least) so we at least have a place to sleep. Some towels, a few dishes, and we are good to go. Let the fun begin! 

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