Sunday, September 29, 2013

Alien baby?

Stella is just over a year old and learning how to use language. Gina pointed out that while her words might sound like she is requesting food (to the indiscriminate listener) she also might be an alien from the 1996 movie Mars Attacks... take a listen and hear for yourself!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Yep, that's my girl!

The best part about her new-found style, is that she likes to she did here with this snazzy hat.

As I grow as a mother,  I learn many valuable lessons along the way. Sauteed spinach can easily sneak into pasta sauce (without protest) if blended just so, a bigger toothbrush head makes brushing little teeth so much easier, and sometimes you just need to learn when to pick your battles. The latter lesson I have learned the hard way. I have always tried to get Isabel to wear clothing that I thought was cute, stylish, and comfortable. I cringed at the idea of bright pink, princesses, and girly-girl in general.  About 8 months ago this became ALL that my almost 4 year old wanted to wear! At first I protested and would bribe her into wearing what I wanted her to wear. She would get a piece of candy and I would get to have a reflection of myself in a tinier version. I knew deep down this wasn't one of my better "mom moments". I also knew that not allowing her to express her individuality could ultimately hinder her growth. morning instead of fighting her against wearing the yellow dress (a gift that she would have gladly worn every day if given the opportunity) I suggested the yellow dress. Then the next day I suggested the polka dot dress. Ultimately it was a win/win situation. I didn't have to argue with her every morning and she got to look "pretty" as she so coyly put it. Besides, I get to still dress Stella as I like!

The notorious "yellow dress"

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Clean Slate

I love the dream-like state of this room. Can't you imagine the breeze coming through the room as you sleep. This is minimalism at it's best.

I love the simplicity of this room. I have been thinking alot lately about how we are going to decorate our new house. Assuming all goes as planned we will have the keys in about two weeks! Thing is...this will not be our primary we will not have any furniture to move. We will have to begin decorating from scratch! The idea sounds daunting yet AMAZING to me! A blank slate! A clean canvas! We plan to create a story board for each room and just work one space at a time! Of course we will need the necessities like a bed (a California King...for those nights we end up with two little girls in our bed) ...and some dishes for cooking in our spacious kitchen! But other than that we will just have to make do. I have heard there are some great antique markets in upstate NY. I am sure those will be a good resource but other than that I will relish in the emptiness!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Fete Paradiso

This past Sunday we took the ferry to Governors Island to visit Fete Paradiso, a celebration of vintage carnival rides and carousels. Fete Paradiso takes you back in time to late 19th century early 20th century France, and entrances you in a dreamlike experience reminiscent of a Federico Fellini film.
We met our good friends Renee, Leora, and baby Edin there and had a great time eating, dancing, and riding the beautifully restored vintage rides. Fete Paradiso ends this weekend so if you haven't had a chance to visit yet I highly recommend it! Below are some photos if you'd like to see!

This ride had a host of interesting characters including this "micky-mouse" hybrid look-alike
This guy was kind of creepy looking

On the way to find the carnival we stopped and played in an old trench that was once used during the American Revolutionary War

Monday, September 23, 2013


I remember this photo so well. It was the Labor Day weekend 1995...the first year I went away to college in Kansas. I had driven 8 hours to come for just 48 hours. You will never get me to admit I was homesick...but apparently I was. 

Saturday morning Gina arrived from Chicago. Gina has been my best friend since we were 12 years old! It is kind of corny but whenever I introduce her to people I often volunteer that valuable piece of "This is Gina...She's in from Chicago...we've been friends since 1991!" Most people pretend to be impressed (but really are probably like so what?)! It's funny to me how I feel so proud of that fact. So she is here this week to keep me company but also to help me out with the girls. The two days she has been here have already felt so much breezier...She is amazing in particular with Isabel. Sometimes is is toooo good with Isabel as in I don't get to spend any time with her as Isabel commands all her attention. As a matter of fact yesterday Isabel and I got into a light-hearted argument as to who Gina was here to see. It went back and forth, "Gina is here to see me...No! She's here to see me!" It went on for a while like this until finally Isabel, diplomatically announced, "No, She's here to see both of us." Yes, Isabel your right! She is here to see both of us! Nothing like getting schooled by a 4 year old!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Wardrobe Malfunction?

Off topic...but I actually worked at Bloomingdale's for a brief moment when I first moved to NYC. The security boasts 
it's own holding cell for those caught in the old-fashioned form of stealing! 

Closet full of clothes and nothing to wear? Well...if you plan on engaging in the common practice known as wardrobing, to find the perfect party dress, don't visit Bloomingdale's! The retail giant is cracking down on consumers who purchase high-end ticket items, wear them with price-tag still intact, and then return them for a full refund the next day. This recreational sport, for lack of better words, is being combated by making garments equipped with thick black tags that can only be removed after the clothing is purchased, and must be present when clothing is returned. Basically, you can't take the tag off wear the dress and then think you can reapply the tag. I guess "Wardrobers" will have to shop at Nordstrom' they will still gladly take back your once worn garment!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Blue Bayou

While I love most of her songs, the lyrics  "I don't know much...but I know I love you " remain questionable.

I was listening to NPR yesterday and they had a segment featuring Linda Ronstadt. I was fascinated to learn that she considered herself a singer as a young child even though she could not sing.  It took her 10 years of practice and training to develop the beautiful voice that eventually led to 11 grammys! I guess this is evidence of the old adage "if you want something bad enough you'll make it happen."

She recently wrote a memoir about her musical journey that sounds like an interesting read. Sadly, toward the end of the NPR interview, Rondstadt discloses that she no longer performs...not for lack of wanting to but rather becasue an illness prevents her from physically being able to! least we still have her recordings. Below is one of my favorites.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day!

 Image taken from Sanctuary, a favorite blog of mine. Video link footage (above) shot by me in subway in 2010.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Burning Man 2013 ended a few weeks ago. The week-long annual event, that is held in Black Rock desert in Northern Nevada, is an experiment in community, art, radical self-expression, and radical self-reliance. We attended in 2011. It is hard to put into words the experience. Lights, music, art, more lights, more music, did I say lights?, costumes, people young and old. It is best experienced in person but if you cannot make the pilgrimage then photos will have to do.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Home Sweet Home!

The House is on 4 acres...imagine the leaves we will have to rake!

Categorize this under exciting news! We are in contract to buy a house! After deliberating for what seems like years (and probably was years) on whether to permanently move to the suburbs or to stay in NYC and buy an apartment...we have opted to buy a weekend house in the charming quaint town of Woodstock. Fingers crossed, and if all goes well, we will have the keys by October 15! This timing coincides perfectly with Autumn, which is my favorite season, and in my opinion the best time to be upstate!  Leaves changing colors, pumpkin and apple picking, cozy sweater weather, and cider by the fire! Need I say more? Ok...I will divulge more once we get the keys...stay tuned!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Happy Friday!

This weekend we are going to a Renaissance Festival upstate. I have never been and imagine it is in a world of its own. I am gearing up to be  Single Super Mom over the next two weeks as Valentino is leaving for Europe on Sunday. My good friend Gina is coming on the 21st of September so I can't complain that much...I suppose this picture sums up how my days will be when he is away! Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Stella's 1st Birthday Party!

Sunday we celebrated Stella's 1st Birthday party. The parenting handbook advises (or word on the playground is) that you should have one child per year the child is old. So that would mean we would invite one guest...but...rules are meant to be broken so we invited 11!  All in all it was an amazing day complete with picture perfect weather, delicius pizza, donuts from Balthazar, old and new friends, and a few surprises thrown in for good measure! I have captured a few memorable moments if you'd like to take a look!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

When are you officially a New Yorker?

Woody Allen: Classic (neurotic) New Yorker!

One of the best, life changing, decisions I ever made was moving to New York City. That decison was made 10 years ago this month! Since moving I have often wondered...Well...When am I an official New Yorker? One answer I received years ago has stuck with me...

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

My First Day of Pre-School: 1980

Here I am on my first day of Pre-School. I cried the entire way to school. My shoes (those lovely brown ones shown here) were not tight enough apparantly.

NYC public schools opened yesterday. Over one million students are enrolled, more than any other year before. A friend was mentioning her daughter's class supply list came in the mail a few weeks ago. It really made me nostalgic for my own first days of school. Who can forget the smell of a new pack crayons or picking out the perfect Trapper Keeper (do they still make those)? Anyways...while Isabel has another year until she recieves her own supply list... she does start Pre-K tomorrow today! SIGH.OF.RELIEF!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Christina's World

I was surprised to read that the house and landscape depicted in this image are from Maine. Upon first glance I was certain this beautiful work was inspired by the mighty plains of the Midwest. 
On the subway the other day I became entranced by this painting shown in an advertisement for the MoMA. Part of their permanent collection, Andrew Wyeth's, Christina's World depicts a girl stricken with polio glancing up at a grey house on the horizon. In 1948 when it was first exhibited it did not receive much attention from the critics...purchased by the founding director of the MoMA for $1800 it was quickly promoted and today stands as an icon of American Art and one of the most popular 20th century paintings to date. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Happy Birthday Stella!

Happy 1st Birthday to Stella Eve Vettori! She has brought so much joy to our family over the past year with her sweet demeanor and her infectious smile. Today we are celebrating in East River State Park complete with pizza, donuts, face paint, and bubbles! Happy Birthday Stelly...WE LOVE YOU!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Words to the live by!

Simple Life

This quote resonates with me. I am constantly trying to purge of the unwanted and unused "stuff" in my house.  I would eventually like to widdle down to beautiful useful objects such as these here. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Nursing in nature

Most people who know me know that I am about as liberal as they come. I happen to live in a community that is pretty open and free as well. When my daughters were born I knew I would nurse them and assumed it would feel natural to nurse them as needed or "on demand." It was such a relief to know that this monkey (that we spotted on our vacation in Barbados) also felt the same way. She didn't go home in order to feed her baby rather fed her comfortably in front of the congregation of onlookers nearby. It was pretty cute I must admit.

Breastfeeding momma in a concrete jungle

Breastfeeding momma in a jungle

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Summer 2013

Labor day has come and begins next week! I thought I would highlight some of the more memorable moments of the Summer of 2013.

Pigeon loving (don't worry these were disease free)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Slowing down the blog at a time.

Hi. Thanks for stopping by. Doesn't it seem so strange that the years seem to go by faster the older you get. You want to know why? It's because as we age we know what to anticipate from our daily lives. Unless we are constantly engaged in a state of learning and growth,our brains come to expect the next day to be the same as the last and therefore the days blend together. So this blog is my attempt to slow down challenge myself to come up with new and interesting posts on a daily basis. Come along if you'd like.

Me and my sister Kelly. Summer of 1982...when the days were long and the possibilities seemed endless!