Friday, January 31, 2014

Happy Chinese New Year!

Isabel suiting up for some football...dress included!

Happy Chinese New Year! It is the Year Of The Horse! The year of the Dragon is the best year, but maybe I am biased as I was born in that year. You can see what sign you fall under here if you are not familiar. 
What are you up to this weekend? We are heading upstate tonight and have some friends coming in tomorrow moring. The Superbowl is Sunday and unless we figure something out quick we will not be able to watch as we don't have cable! We do have a Smart TV, so maybe we can stream the game live? Anyways, I always want to watch the game but end up just enjoying the snacks and commercials that accompany it. In Superbowl related news...remember This Song. Living in Illinois in 1986, I remember being able to recite it word for word. I heard there is a remake floating around the internet...If I find it I will post for you! 

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 30, 2014


Yesterday, while in the toy aisle at the pharmacy,  I had to laugh at the gender divide going the left were the superheroes, trains and the right the Barbies, Hello Kitty, and My Little Ponies. In our household we are heavily under the influence of My Little Pony. We are the proud owners of all the ponies except her, watch it daily, and can sing the theme song in our sleep! I was sure that we knew all that there was to know about My Little Ponies and their world of Equestria. I was sorely mistaken though... yesterday I leaned that there is an entire group of people more devout and fanatical than us...and they are a group of 15-35 year old men (and a few women) -Huh??? The name for this group BRONIES

Have you heard of them? They have their own facebook page, documentary, there are countless fan sites, and the images...yes the images... if you get a chance google can thank me later!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Hello Dance!

Isabel has been taking ballet since September. When she first began she was super excited but recently her enthusiasm has dwindled. I am not sure if she just doesn't like this particular class or if ballet in general is getting difficult? One day she mentioned that she couldn't do one of the moves very well...I told her that to be good at anything in life it takes practice and dedication...(why am I so good at giving advice but horrible at taking it)? When she told me she didn't want to go back to ballet I told her we had a commitment and that we were going to stick to that commitment (little does she know we signed her up for one whole year)! So my question is this... If a child has a natural talent for say something like ballet or piano, does that talent present itself right away? Or is the talent developed with dedication and discipline?  Would you take your kid out of a class if they were kicking and screaming all the way there each time? Or is it best to teach them about commitments and discipline and hope they will like it? Please offer your advice in the comments below!

Yesterday was parent observation day at ballet school!

What a peanut!

During observation day the teacher outlined a typical day in class! The 'hello dance' begins the class and gives each dancer the opportunity to shine and show their "freestyle." I partiularly liked her jump and twirl... and she nails that curtsey!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Let's talk jewelry...When Gina was visiting this month she asked me about my rings. As I looked down at my fingers, and the various gold bands on each, I realized that each one had a story all to its own. It brought a smile to my face to recollect each piece. That's the beauty of long as it doesn't become lost or stolen you can treasure it forever...

When it came time to buy Gina a birthday gift this month it was obvious that I had to help her begin her own 'stack' of rings. She  received them in the mail yesterday and called me last night to thank me...she loved them...and they fit perfectly! You're Welcome Gina...We love you!

Catbird located just a few blocks from me in Williamsburg, Brooklyn has the best jewelry as well as many gift ideas...perfect for Valentine's Day!

Image Via Catbird

Monday, January 27, 2014

My Ski Bunny!

This weekend plans changed a little. While we were supposed to go ice skating...Valentino took Isabel skiing instead! ! This was significant for a few different reasons. First and foremost... as I suspected... Isabel was a natural. While it took me at least half- a -day (on the bunny hill) to learn 10 years ago, Isabel instantly got the hang of the skis and was turning left and right  (and even did a jump) within the first half-hour. Valentino decided that she was good enough... right away... to forgo the bunny 

The second reason, that Isabel and Valentino skiing is significant,  is more personal. When Valentino and I first started dating he took me to ski in the Alps. His niece Giada (who was 6 at the time) came along and Valentino taught her to ski. I remember that moment fondly as he was so patient and gentle with her. I specifically remember wondering if we ever had kids would he teach them to ski too? It was a pivotal point that made me realize what a good father he would be! And Valentino if your indeed are a great father!

She had fun!

No...really she did...

There we go...see... half-a-smile.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Ice Ice Baby!

Hi there! I'm up early...about to have my morning coffee and listen to the news. We canceled our cable last spring and while I haven't missed it for the most part...I am now reconsidering since my beloved American Idol is back on. Not to mention I wouldn't mind watching the Super Bowl Ads, the Olympics, and This Show. Speaking of the Olympics...will you watch? I would watch the figure skating (go figure) a matter of fact...we plan on going here this weekend...maybe i'll bust out my own inner figure skater...  Have a lovely weekend!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Best Toy Ever?

Have you seen the list of 5 Best Toys of All Time?  Well...the list needs to be updated to include 6 Best Toys of All Time. According to my girls at least...there is nothing better to play with (or fight over) than an unused tampon... please read UNUSED! The mystery was unraveled last week when Isabel opened a tampon and declared..."it smells good enough to eat," um ok? Then she proceeded to declare that we could "decorate the house with them"...! The fun didn't end there either...later that day Stella was dragging the thing down the hallway like a rag... (ok...bad joke i know).

I guess I can kind of see the appeal....It's free of all toxins... About as natural a toy as they come...If you paint a face on one it could resemble a mouse... If you put one in a glass of water it could make a cool science experiment...any other ideas?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sweater Weather.

Yep! We have snow. School is open (funny how as an adult with kids that is a good thing... but as a kid a bad thing). I am going to cozy up with Stella and venture out into the mess. Errands to run...groceries to buy. In honor of the weather I am including two songs associated with weather ("Sweater Weather" from The Neighbourhood ((my current favorite)) and "Let it Go" from the movie Frozen ((Isabel's new favorite))  and one video clip of Stella just too good to pass up.  Stay Warm!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

My Anxiety Ridden Weekend...

This past weekend I made the brave decision to stay upstate with the girls by myself!  It was a long four day weekend (MLK on Monday and Professional Development Day ((for Isabel's school)) Tues)... so I thought why not? Valentino took the bus back to NYC Sunday night ...and that is when the anxiety began...What was that noise on the deck? That scratching on the roof? Knock on the window? How does anyone look outside when their lights are on inside? Furthermore...If I want to look outside when the lights are on inside and I turn the lights off to do so...what if someone is looking back in? And if there is someone looking back in what do you do in that case? Scream? Wave hello? Invite them in for dinner?

For all of you permanent house dwellers I don't know how you do it? Apartment living feels so much  more secure to me. Here in Brooklyn it is virtually impossible to break into my apartment... and there are so many people around it feels more like dormitory living (without the bad food and vomit)!

 I suppose it will just take some getting used to...Besides I guess it wasn't the scariest part of my weekend really...that prize would have to go to my visit to the local mall yesterday!

In case you didn't believe me... these tracks were on the deck this morning... proving that either Big Foot or a Black Bear paid us a visit last night.

Monday, January 20, 2014


If You Can't Fly, Then Run
If You Can't Run, Then Walk
If You Can't Walk, Then Crawl
But Whatever You Do,
Keep Moving.
-Dr. Martin Luther King

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Funny, Awkward, and Questionable!

Last night we went to see American Hustle. I actually stayed awake for the entire film (which says alot being that the last two films we saw I fell asleep during the last half)! I loved this movie! Loved! Loved! Loved! The acting was superb! Christian Bale was amazing (is it weird that I found him sexy  in this role)? In fact the entire cast was spot- on. The costume design was so fun(ny)! People were so over the top in the 1970's...the hair, make-up, jewelry! If I had to describe the movie with one adjective it would be GLOSSY!  If you haven't seen it yet do yourself a favor and go!


So...what else? It's Friday! Let's end the week with a fun game we'll call Funny, Awkward,  and Questionable. I am going to attach three news stories (If you can call them that) below (a,b, and c)...It is your job to categorize them in the appropriate spot of either funny, awkward, or questionable. No cheating either. You have to watch or read each thoroughly before choosing...Have a Great Weekend!



Music Is Therapy!

Some light humor...

The internship that I told you I was going to apply for didn't happen. After spending all weekend coming up with a great proposal (or at least I thought so) I was politely turned down. On my run this morning this song made me feel better...this song can make anyone feel better! Wow powerful stuff...Even Valentino said he gets shivers when he hears it! Have a great day...xo.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Have You Ever Been Star Struck?

Living in NYC you see a fair share of celebrities in your daily life. You learn to play it cool and act like it's no big thing...that is the New Yorker in me...however when I ran into her at Isabel's ballet yesterday  the Mid-Westerner in me wanted to call everyone I knew... Who was it? Did I act a fool?

Find out after the jump!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I Want More Broccoli!

Two years ago our family became partners with this great organization. Super Sprowtz's mission is  simple...use the educational power of multi-media (puppets, songs, books) to help children learn the importance of nutrition and wellness. Take a look at Brian Broccoli (whos super power is to be super strong) sing this catchy song below!

I'll never forget the first time Valentino came home with the Brian Broccoli Puppet Isabel was on board and couldn't get enough broccoli!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Let's Visit India!

One of the upsides to my I Phone shattering last week is that while using Valentino's old I Phone,  I have been enjoying his archived photos. Many of the photos are of my second pregnancy with Stella, Isabel with her blossoming vocabulary, and India, India, India!

From 2009-2011 Valentino was in India (for production of his clothing line Improvd) every third month for three to four weeks at a time! Some of the photos and videos he took were so crazy! Take a look below and see what I mean!
This has to be a safety hazzard?
Cows are sacred in India and roam freely. Here they are foraging on some local garbage.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Time to Stick My Neck Out A Little!

Photo of Isabel at the "Drive in Zoo" in New Jersey Summer of 2012

Wow! It's only 11:30am and I am already exhausted! I had a 5am wake-up call and then had to get everyone out of the house by 7:45am to make it to downtown Manhattan to tour a school that we are planning on trying to get Isabel into for Kindergarden. Monday begins the NYC public school Kindergarden enrollment process...and believe me what a process it is. That is another post altogether.

This weekend, while upstate, I plan to carve out some time for myself and stick my neck out and apply for this positon. I am certain that I am underqualified but plan on offering to intern in order to gain the vast amount of knowledge that working with her would garner me. Wish me luck!

Valentino plans on taking the girls to our friends for the day in nearby New Paltz. Speaking of our friends,  their Manhattan apartment was recently featured here. Isn't it fantastic!

Hope you have a nice weekend!

See you Monday!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

An 'All' Year Resolution!

Did you make a New Year's Resolution this year? While I did not make a concrete resolution,  I do  hope to subscribe to the thoughts and ideas found in the essay, This is Water, by David Foster Wallace.
Touching on ideas such as the monotony of life, compassionate and empathetic living, and Truth with a capital T, Wallace's essay and subsequent short film (above) hit an emotional chord with me. Take a look and watch for yourself. Next time you are in the grocery store checkout line you may see things a little differently. Have a nice day!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Bugaboo Photoshoot Final Selection!

Here is a little ray of sunshine on this cold morning...Our Bugaboo Photoshoot pictures are in and here are the final cuts! I am partial to the first two. Which do you prefer? 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Try these at home!

Did you hear? It's cold outside! Yeah...Yeah...Yeah...That may be all anyone is talking about but these cool experiments (and the fact that Gina's flight has been delayed until Wednesday) are making the cold weather a little more bearable! I tried both on my rooftop and the water turned to vapor (sure enough) but the bubbles remained bubbles...

Monday, January 6, 2014

From Moneypits to Cherrypitts...It Was a Good Two Weeks.

Hello! We got back last night from our two-week stay upstate. It went by waaaaayyyyy to fast! Our normally comfortably sized apartment seems somehow unusually our perception of space has been skewed...What only one bathroom? While it may take a little getting used to, we are happy to be back and look forward to getting into a routine....which will of course include blogging for you! 

A few highlights of our trip:
  • Santa paid us a visit! He brought a dollhouse that included many scatterable (read: doll furniture all. over. the. floor. all. of. the time) pieces:)
  • We had many guests and went through many bottles cases of wine...we officially are lushes. 
  • Valentino is officially the best cook on earth...he ventured out and tried many new recipes and each and every one was a success! 
  •  Gina came for a visit (as a matter of fact she is still here)!
  • A house is a lot of work and alot the roof to the kitchen sink to the seems like there is always something that needs to be addressed. Valentino at one point joked that the only time he wasn't spending money was in his sleep (that was quickly interrupted when I woke him up to tell him about the leaking roof)!
  • Stella really spread her wings this trip... new words, expressions, and gestures! 
  • Isabel's imagination is in full drive as in when playing doctor she wanted to be called Dr. Cherry Pitts. Where do they get this stuff?
A few photos below if you'd like to see...

Christmas Eve night...
Christmas Morning Mayhem...I joked that even after all the gifts Isabel would request her IPad within a half hour of opening the last one...I was right!
A picture is worth a thousand words...
In her Christmas dress in our master bath...look at that view!
Christmas morning.
While we didn't get a Christmas card together in time this year...we did take a few quality photos on Christmas morning that are worth sharing.

Everyone is telling me that she looks just like me (when I was four) in this photo.

She insisted on wearing these boots with her Christmas dress.
I found this Carhartt hat at Gander Mountain, and couldn't pass it up.
Yesterday...we decided the risk was low.

Sledding is fun...but walking up and down the hill...not so much.
We followed up our day of sledding with a snowwoman.