Thursday, March 6, 2014

Stella at 18 months.

The other day someone asked me how old Stella was. When I told her almost 18 months she raved on about how her favorite baby stage was from 18-24 months. It made me stop and think about Stella and how her infancy is coming to a close. Since Stella most likely will be our last child each one of her firsts also signifies one of my lasts (this sums it up). It is a bittersweet feeling to know that she will be the last child I ever nurse...when I pack away her 12 months clothes there will be no need to save them like I did with Isabel, and that intoxicating sweet baby smell...well it is slowly being replaced by the smell of a sweet and sweaty toddler!

I love you Stella,  higher than the sky and deeper than the ocean!


18 months

1 comment:

  1. Stella you are so unique and I cant wait to see you grow in the years to come


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