Friday, March 21, 2014

Have A Healthy Weekend!

Valentino and Isabel on their way to work this morning.

Stella is sick. Just took her to the doctor. She is demanding water but each time I give her a sip it comes right back up. This has been going on since she woke up at 5am (we are talking alllllllll daaaaaay loooooooong). Ok, she had a break at 11am-1230pm when she took a nap. Of course Isabel did not have school today (it was Professional Development Day) Valentino took her to work! I am so thankful that he did. Thank You Valentino!

Last night while we were at dinner together he said something I would like to share. When talking about the trials and tribulations that we have gone through,  he said that it is 'not what happens to you in life that matters it is how you handle it.' I know such a simple piece of advice (and advice that he has offered before) but somehow it really resonated with me last night.

Have a Happy Weekend! 

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