Hello! We got back last night from our two-week stay upstate. It went by waaaaayyyyy to fast! Our normally comfortably sized apartment seems somehow unusually uncomfortable...as our perception of space has been skewed...What only one bathroom? While it may take a little getting used to, we are happy to be back and look forward to getting into a routine....which will of course include blogging for you!
A few highlights of our trip:
- Santa paid us a visit! He brought a dollhouse that included many scatterable (read: doll furniture all. over. the. floor. all. of. the time) pieces:)
- We had many guests and went through many
bottles cases of wine...we officially are lushes.
- Valentino is officially the best cook on earth...he ventured out and tried many new recipes and each and every one was a success!
- Gina came for a visit (as a matter of fact she is still here)!
- A house is a lot of work and alot of..money...money...money...from the roof to the kitchen sink to the refrigerator...it seems like there is always something that needs to be addressed. Valentino at one point joked that the only time he wasn't spending money was in his sleep (that was quickly interrupted when I woke him up to tell him about the leaking roof)!
- Stella really spread her wings this trip... new words, expressions, and gestures!
- Isabel's imagination is in full drive as in when playing doctor she wanted to be called Dr. Cherry Pitts. Where do they get this stuff?
A few photos below if you'd like to see...
Christmas Eve night... |
Christmas Morning Mayhem...I joked that even after all the gifts Isabel would request her IPad within a half hour of opening the last one...I was right! |
A picture is worth a thousand words... |
In her Christmas dress in our master bath...look at that view! |
Christmas morning. |
While we didn't get a Christmas card together in time this year...we did take a few quality photos on Christmas morning that are worth sharing. |
Everyone is telling me that she looks just like me (when I was four) in this photo. |
She insisted on wearing these boots with her Christmas dress. |
I found this Carhartt hat at Gander Mountain, and couldn't pass it up. |
Yesterday...we decided the risk was low. |
Sledding is fun...but walking up and down the hill...not so much. |
We followed up our day of sledding with a snowwoman. |
missed your blog pictures are great.