Isabel has been taking ballet since September. When she first began she was super excited but recently her enthusiasm has dwindled. I am not sure if she just doesn't like this particular class or if ballet in general is getting difficult? One day she mentioned that she couldn't do one of the moves very well...I told her that to be good at anything in life it takes practice and dedication...(why am I so good at giving advice but horrible at taking it)? When she told me she didn't want to go back to ballet I told her we had a commitment and that we were going to stick to that commitment (little does she know we signed her up for one whole year)! So my question is this... If a child has a natural talent for say something like ballet or piano, does that talent present itself right away? Or is the talent developed with dedication and discipline? Would you take your kid out of a class if they were kicking and screaming all the way there each time? Or is it best to teach them about commitments and discipline and hope they will like it? Please offer your advice in the comments below!
Yesterday was parent observation day at ballet school! |
What a peanut! |
observation day the teacher outlined a typical day in class! The 'hello dance' begins the class and gives each dancer the opportunity to shine and show their "freestyle." I partiularly liked her jump and twirl... and she nails that curtsey!
I think whether or not I would push her to continue would depend on why she didn't want to go back. If she doesn't want to go because she finds it challenging, it might be worth working with her on that "move," so she can learn the satisfaction of achieving something through perseverance. After all those are the most cherished achievements, no?