Wednesday, April 2, 2014

This Bites!

We have a problem on our hands. At almost 19 months old, our sweet Stella has turned into a piranha, boxer, and professional hair puller all-in-one. It is getting crazy around here. I have started to fear her at times. While nursing her, out of nowhere, she will whack me in the face, while relaxing on the sofa she will suddenly sink her newly-cut teeth into my forearm, and poor Isabel...the hair she has lost due to Stella's 'Mean Girls' phase is well...unacceptable.

What do we do? I have all the books from when Isabel was little (the problem must run in the family). But with Isabel it didn't seem so bad. Ok... there was that one time that she bit the kid at school right on his face...eessshh...that wasn't pretty. But with two kids it's a bit trickier. How do I explain to Isabel, while she is in the grip of one of Stella's hair attacks, that it is not ok for her to reciprocate the act...(eye for an Or how about yesterday, when I made a big parent fail, and pulled Stella's hair... in order to teach that pulling hair is bad. Oops. Later on the Internet I read this is exactly what not to do! We live we learn right?

Any advice beyond the mantra "This too shall pass"?

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