Now that the girls are getting older I would like to create some unique holiday traditions. To begin with I decided this year that we would get a living tree for our Brooklyn home. Since we now have a yard upstate I thought it would be nice (and so green of me) to get a tree that would be able to give back well past Christmas Day. We chose this cute little Blue we just have to keep him comfortable in our too hot/too cold apartment until December 20... when we will then be able to bring him upstate to be planted in the yard.
More on the subject of Christmas trees... did you ever consider that when you buy a Christmas tree you could also be buying any other living thing that is in the tree! This has been on my mind this year as last year my friend Renee had a tree that was infested with stink bugs...yep...mama stink bug decided to hatch her babies right in Renee's living room. When I mentioned this to the lady at the tree farm this year she said that she knew someone who had gotton a tree with a pinworms and another with preying mantises...Happy Tree Shopping!
We loaded the Blue Spruce onto the stroller and brought him home. |
Some lights (we skipped the ornaments as we didn't want to stress hime out) a tree skirt quilted by my Mom (thanks Mom) and the tree trimming was complete. |
love the tradition